Transplant Sport – TS Racquets Tournament 2018
Radley College Sports Hall & White Horse Tennis Centre, Abingdon, Oxfordshire
The annual Transplant Sport Racquets Tournament will take place on December 15-16, and will be held at two sites, one mile apart:
1. Radley College Sports Hall, Kennington Rd, Abingdon OX14 2HR
2. White Horse Tennis Centre, Audlett Drive, Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 3PJ
This year the tournament includes:
- Badminton
- Squash
- Table tennis
- Tennis
Participants can enter an individual event on either day. On Saturday Tennis players can only enter tennis. Badminton players can enter doubles badminton and squash or table tennis.
Who can participate?
All competitors participating must be aged 16+, have had an organ transplant or be a living donor.
All competitors must submit a medical form and waiver prior to the tournament.
All types of transplant recipient eligible for BTG will be able to compete.
Order of events
On Saturday 15, the following activities will take place:
Badminton doubles, tennis, squash, table tennis.
On Sunday, Badminton singles will take place.
A full order and timings of events, along with venues can be downloaded here.
How much does it cost?
Competitor fee of £20 to be paid in advance of the Tournament.
Spectators can attend F.O.C.
Gala Dinner
A 3-course Mexican dinner / Christmas Party will take place at Dorindo’s Mexican Restaurant on Saturday evening (15 High St, Abingdon OX14 5BB) – £25 pp – payable with registration fee.
Where can I stay?
Accommodation is available at Premier Inn, Marcham Rd, Abingdon OX14 1AD and we recommend early booking. £47 room – double / twin.
How do I pay?
Registration fee and cost of meal to be paid directly to:
Renal Unit Discretionary Fund Oxford Young Adults
Sort Code: 30-80-45
Account Number: 25016768
Please use reference “RACQUETS” and your name when making payment.
How do I register?
Please register via the link on the right. Registration will remain open until Saturday November 10. All medical forms must be received by November 10.